
  • View across water to Prague city skyline

    布拉格四季酒店地理位置优越,Vltava 河、查理大桥和山顶的布拉格城堡的景色尽收眼底

  • Prague waterfront on sunny day with historic Charles Bridge crossing Vltava River

    14 世纪的查理大桥横跨 Vltava 河,距离酒店仅数步之遥

  • Four Seasons Hotel Prague exterior at night with lit windows, reflecting on Vltava River

    夜幕降临,布拉格四季酒店在 Vltava 河上倒映出朦胧光影

  • Hotel lobby with multiple crystal vases with flowers of different heights on tabletop


  • Presidential Suite with bright windows along curved wall, Baroque-inspired red-and-gold carpet, curtains


  • Premier Suite bed with blue blanket, pillow accents, in front of floor-to-ceiling corner windows overlooking Vltava River


  • 别致的双层复式套房设有阳台,卧室空间敞阔

  • AVA Spa vitality pool  flanked by white lounge chairs under domed ceiling

    在 AVA 水疗中心的室内按摩池中放松身心

  • 在 Karel Terrace 露台举办特别活动,欣赏 Vltava 河、布拉格城堡和查理大桥的壮丽景致

  • Rooftop terrace restaurant, round black rattan tables, chairs, ivy wall, potted trees

    在 Piazzetta Terrace 畅享终极甜品体验

  • 享用精致早餐,还可欣赏布拉格地标的风景

  • 套房自然光线充足,布拉格城堡的壮丽景致跃然眼前,无论是办公还是休闲,皆属上上之选

  • 星空下独特非凡的用餐体验


  • Premier Room bed, desk, chair, cream-and-gold Old European decor, long curtains, crystal chandelier

    无论您是倾心古典欧式魅力,还是偏爱现代时尚风格,这些客房的设计均能满足您的要求。不管选择何种风格客房,Vltava 河的动人美景均能尽收眼底。

  • River Suite with modern ivory-coloured decor with blue accents on curtains, pillows, canopy bed frame


  • Premier Suite living room, glass coffee table with open book, round glass vase with white roses, tea service


  • Presidential Suite with bright windows along curved wall, Baroque-inspired red-and-gold carpet, curtains

    酒店最大的套房位于 18 世纪巴洛克大楼二层,采用红金色调的装潢风格,绚丽夺目。从床头即可欣赏查理大桥的迷人景致,角度精巧,仿佛触手可及。

  • Premier Suite bed with blue blanket, pillow accents, in front of floor-to-ceiling corner windows overlooking Vltava River



  • Tray with three small bowls on massage table with white blanket in front of window with open shutters
  • AVA Spa vitality pool  flanked by white lounge chairs under domed ceiling
  • Sunlight streams through window to corner of sofa, white armchair with blanket on arm, reading lamp, art piece on wall
  • Two white beds beside spa tub in dimly-lit room at the Vltava Suite at AVA Spa
  • Hotel hallway with marble floors, round table with multiple white candles in glass votives, fresh flowers