在 Pierre Yves Rochon 设计的尊贵外交套房中尽享奢华体验。套房拥有精致典雅的装饰,配备家具的露台可俯瞰尼罗河和城市地标美景。每一处细节都经过精心设计,体现着 Pierre Yves Rochon 的标志性风格,为您开辟出一方放松休憩的时尚空间。尽兴探索开罗之后,您可以在宽敞的露台上舒展身心,欣赏美轮美奂的尼罗河日落盛景。


  • Premium Executive Suite dining area with two-seater round glass table, built-in shelves lined with colourful artefacts
  • Suite living area with cream couch, round glass coffee table, flat-screen wall-mounted TV, doorway to bedroom
  • Guest bathroom with double vanity, full-width mirror, large soaking tub and glass shower
  • Guest room walk-in closet with full-length mirror, doorway to bathroom
  • Guest bedroom with king bed, white linens and cream tufted headboard, foot bench, three-drawer side table with lamp, paisley wallpaper


  • 床位

    特大床, 1 张沙发床和 1 张婴儿床

  • 容纳人数

    3 名成人,或 2 名成人和 2 名儿童,或 1 名成人和 3 名儿童。儿童年龄不得超过 12 岁。

  • 面积

    96 平方米(1,033 平方英尺). 25 – 27 层

  • 浴室

    每间卧室 1 间设备齐全的大理石浴室,加 1 间客用盥洗室

  • 景观


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