


  • Arion Royal Suite living area with white sofas, square coffee table, arm chairs, dining table in background, floor-to-ceiling window with view of plunge pool and Mediterranean Sea
  • Arion Royal Suite Deck with lap pool and row of lounge chairs, boat on the Mediterranean Sea
  • Arion Royal Suite with white King Bed, blonde wood sideboard, grey walls, white chaise and arm chair, doorway to bathroom, floor-to-ceiling windows, ocean views
  • Arion Royal Suite with white King bed, white corner wardrobe, striped area rug, grey arm chair, doorway to bathroom, ocean views
  • Arion Royal Suite office with built-in backlit shelves, large ergonomic wooden desk, grey area rug, twin armchairs
  • Arion Royal Suite Deck private dining, lap pool with row of lounge chairs, view of mountains and Crete in the background


Arion Royal Suite living area with white sofas, square coffee table, arm chairs, dining table in background, floor-to-ceiling window with view of plunge pool and Mediterranean Sea


  • 床位

    2 张特大床, 2 张折叠床

  • 容纳人数

    4 名成人,或 4 名成人和 2 名儿童

  • 面积

    • 310 平方米(3,336 平方英尺)
    • 1 层
  • 浴室

    2 间设备齐全的大理石浴室,每间均带双台盆、深浸式浴缸和独立淋浴间;1 间盥洗室

  • 景观


  • 独特特色

    • 带私人冷水池的花园露台
    • 厨房
    • 办公区
    • 电视房
    • 步入式衣橱
    • 水疗间


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