The Red Sea – with its abundant reefs, colourful fish and historic shipwrecks – is a spectacular playground for both divers and snorkellers. Spot turtles, sharks, lionfish, rays and eels, to name just a few, among the coral gardens and clear waters. Exploration is quick and easy with our on-site Dive Centre and jetties, or let us arrange a trip to one of the 76 recognized dive sites in the area.


Diving in Detail

Wreck Diving
Head out on guided dives to such impressive wrecks as the Dunraven, a British steamship sunk in 1896, and the Kormoran, a wrecked merchant vessel just a few metres down in the Straits of Tiran.
Night Diving
Even without lights, divers can see down to an impressive depth of 10 metres with the light of the full moon, and there’s plenty of activity on the Resort’s pristine House Reef and nearby sites. On most nights, divers can witness the bioluminescence of tiny particles of glowing plankton.
House Reef
Our private and secluded House Reef is an ideal training site for everything from children’s intro courses to Trimix Diver training. Depths range from comfortable plateaus of just 5 metres down the sandy slopes to 40 metres, with depths nearby reaching 100 metres.
Diving Centre
Top-of-the-line equipment and instructors are available at our Dive Centre, which can help you plan a diving itinerary, update you on water conditions and arrange excursions to the area’s stunning dive sites.
We can help you with any questions or information. Contact