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На завтрак отведайте сицилийских деликатесов и насладитесь новым вкусом классических блюд международной кухни в великолепном зале нашего ресторана или на нашей знаменитой террасе с захватывающим видом на Этну, бухту Таормина и древний театр.

Часы работы

7:30 — 11:30


Фирменные блюда

  • Flatbread topped with colourful vegetable pieces on white plate beside flatware, cup of espresso and glass of juice,Flatbread topped with colourful vegetable pieces on white plate beside flatware, cup of espresso and glass of juice,Flatbread topped with colourful vegetable pieces on white plat beside flatware, cup of tea and glass of juice,Flatbread topped with colourful vegetable pieces on white plate beside flatware, cup of espresso and glass of juice
  • Sicilian bagel with sesame seeds on white plate with flower garnish beside flatware, cup of espresso and glass of juice,Sicilian bagel with sesame seeds on white plate with flower garnish beside flatware, cup of espresso and glass of juice
    Сицилийский бейгл
  • Pancake topped with sliced salmon and hard-boiled egg beside flatware, cup of espresso and glass of juice
    Блины с начинкой
  • Two pancakes topped with powdered sugar and garnished with mixed berries and butter beside flatware, cup of espresso and glass of juice
  • Folded cr�pe topped with mixed berries beside flatware, cup of espresso and glass of juice
    Французские блины крепе
  • Waffle filled with cream and garnished with chocolate, pansies and mixed berries on white plate beside flatware, cup of espresso and glass of juice
  • Red-and-white granita topped with sliced strawberry in fluted glass

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