Hotel Overview

  • Guest room with a bed with white sheets, navy couch and floor to ceiling windows.
  • Aerial view of downtown Nashville, Tennessee at sunset, featuring modern skyscrapers, a river, a bridge, and a park with greenery in the foreground.
  • Dining table with candles and place settings, three large plants, and floor to ceiling windows.
  • A fitness centre with cardio machines and large windows.
  • Spa bed with a plant in the corner of the room, cabinets and a sink.
  • Three guests on a rooftop terrace enjoying a meal.
  • Rooftop pool with the sun setting in the background.
  • Rooftop terrace with a bar area and view of the city.
  • Four guests at a dinner table talking and eating their meals.
  • A dimly lit bar with large windows.
  • Guest sitting at an outside dining table while drinking out of a wine glass.