- Romance
- Use of our Luxury Garden-View Spa Suite with private heaven and vitality pool. Includes Four Seasons Signature Polish, Four Seasons Signature Massage, Personalized Aromatic Facial and Seasonal Refreshment.
- MOP 6520 - 7170
- 180 minutes (priced per couple). Non-peak: MOP 6520; Peak: MOP 7170.
- Pamper
- Includes Four Seasons Signature Polish, Four Seasons Signature Massage, Personalized Aromatic Facial and Deluxe Spa Gift Set.
- MOP 2980 - 3300
- 150 minutes. Non-peak: MOP 2980; Peak: MOP 3300.
Non-peak prices are listed first, followed by peak prices, both of which are subject to a 10% service charge and 5% government tax. Peak Hours: 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm from Monday to Thursday; Peak Day: Friday to Sunday and Public Holidays. Prices and treatments are subject to change without notice.