Always approach the ocean with a respect for its power. No lifeguards are on duty at the pool or beach. Our Beach and Pool staff can provide advice regarding ocean conditions. Please ask them about daily conditions. 

Observe the ocean conditions before entering the water. Waves arrive in “sets” and the ocean can appear calm between sets. 

If waves are breaking near the shore area, be aware that they break in shallow water. This “shorebreak” can cause a person to strike the sand or rocks and can result in serious injury. Do not turn your back to the ocean.

Strong currents will form in the ocean as a result of wave activity, usually travelling out to sea (rip currents) or parallel to the shore (long shore currents). If caught in a current, do not attempt to swim against it. Remain calm and “go with the flow” by swimming parallel or diagonally toward shore.

Swimming and snorkelling in the ocean can be physically demanding activities. If you are not a strong open-water swimmer or experienced snorkeller, please take the time to assess your own level of fitness before entering the ocean. Familiarize yourself with the equipment and make sure you are comfortable breathing with the mask and snorkel before entering the water. Beach and Pool staff can assist you with proper use of the equipment.

For your safety, use the buddy system at all times. Make sure you and your buddy are responsible for one another, especially when entering and exiting the ocean.

Supervise young children at all times. A moment of inattention can result in serious consequences.

Beware of jellyfish and man-o-war. If stung, seek immediate medical care.



Four Seasons Resort Lanai is equipped with a state-of-the- art fire detection system, and our staff has been trained to respond to any emergency situation. 

There are smoke detectors in all areas of the Resort including guest rooms. All public buildings are equipped with sprinklers, and alarm pull stations are located throughout the resort and monitored at all times. Fire extinguishers are located in the closet of every guest room. 

Become familiar with the walkways that lead to and from your room. Locate the nearest pull alarm station to you room. 

Inspect your room. Study the layout of your room. Note the location of your fire extinguisher and familiarize yourself with the instructions on how to use it. Determine how to open the windows or lanai (patio) doors and inspect anything that might help or hinder possible escape. Always keep your room key handy, near your bed. 

Persons discovering fire, smoke, or unusual heat should remain calm and do the following in order:

1. Go immediately to the nearest fire pull station and pull the alarm.

2. After you have pulled the alarm, Touch 88. Tell the Operator:

  • The exact nature of the trouble (smoke, fire, heat, sparks, etc.).
  • Exactly where the trouble is.
  • How serious the trouble is.
  • Your name and where you are. 

3. If you can safely return to the fire, try to extinguish it (small fire only). 
4. If the fire endangers your life or the lives of others, close (but do not lock if possible) all doors and windows to contain the fire and immediately leave the area. 
5. To evacuate your room: 

  • When you leave, take your room key. 
  • Keep a wet cloth over nose and mouth. 
  • Close the door behind you to keep the fire from spreading. 
  • If there’s smoke or it is dark, remain calm and proceed to the main lobby.           



Although frightening, the actual moving of the ground in an earthquake is rarely dangerous. Most injuries result from falling objects and debris, broken glass, and fires. In Hawaii, earthquakes have the potential of generating off-shore tsunamis with no warning. 

In the event of an earthquake:

Keep calm. Don’t run or panic. Stay where you are as most injuries happen when people are entering or leaving buildings. 

Take cover. If you are inside, get under a heavy desk or table, against an inside wall, or under an inside doorway. Stay away from glass, windows, and outside doors. If you are outside, move away from buildings, sidewalks, and electric wires. 

Realize there may be aftershocks. The first earthquake may be followed by several smaller shocks. Take the same precautions for these. 

Do not use elevators. 

Do not use candles, matches, or open flames during a tremor. Gas lines could have been damaged. 

IMPORTANT: The epicenter of earthquakes can sometimes be centered off-shore. Earthquakes measured at 6.0+ on the Richter scale may cause a locally-generated tsunami. Earthquakes of this magnitude will normally cause you to lose balance or things to move or fall off tables/shelves. No one can provide warnings for locally-generated tsunamis. It is recommended that you take immediate action and move to safe ground (away from the ocean/shore). 



The Maui County Civil Defense will issue timely warnings and evacuation instructions in the event of a non-locally generated tsunami or hurricane. In such cases, the hotel staff works with local and state officials and initiates emergency plans. The safety of our guests and employees is our primary concern. 

How you can help: 

1. Remain calm and offer full cooperation with the Resort staff. 

2. Gather any necessary medications and a small bag with a change of clothes. 

3. Stay informed. We recommend you remain in your room and await further instruction from hotel personnel. 


Departing the Resort on your own: 

In an emergency situation, if you plan on departing the resort on your own, please complete the guest information card on the last page of this guest directory. Completed cards will be collected by the greeter gate upon your departure from the Resort. The card assists hotel personnel in being able to account for all guests and staff.