Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

This statement is made on behalf of Gregory Park Holding Limited (“Gregory Park Holding”) pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Our Business

Gregory Park Holding owns the Four Seasons Hotel Hampshire (the “Hotel”), which is managed and operated by FS Hampshire Limited and its affiliates (“Four Seasons”).

Ethical Business Conduct

It is of fundamental importance to Gregory Park Holding that Hotel business is conducted in a manner that complies with applicable laws and is consistent with the highest ethical standards, including zero tolerance for Modern Slavery.

Policies, Procedures and Training

Gregory Park Holding acknowledges and respects the principles contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The manner in which our Hotel is managed reflects our commitment to conducting business in a way that is consistent with these principles, and to protecting human rights wherever possible.

Four Seasons, the operator of the Hotel, demonstrates global leadership in responsible workplace practices, and endeavors to conduct its business operations in a manner that is free from human rights abuses. The culture of Four Seasons embodies a commitment to ethical business practices and good corporate citizenship. This long-standing commitment to doing business responsibly, including protecting human rights, is underlined by Four Seasons ongoing collaboration with the International Tourism Partnership, a relationship that spans over twenty years.  

Four Seasons policies and procedures require that Hotel business is conducted with honesty and integrity and in compliance with applicable laws. These policies and procedures establish clear ethical standards and guidelines for how the Hotel does business, as well as accountability. Hotel employees receive compliance training and are required to comply with specific standards relating to legal obligations, ethics, and business conduct, including the Four Seasons Human Rights Policy and Code of Business Conduct and Ethics.

Training is delivered to Hotel employees in relation to the illegal exploitation of people for personal or commercial gain with a view to helping to eradicate modern slavery and human trafficking. This training educates Hotel employees on how to identify potential signs of human trafficking with guidance on what action to take and when.

Gregory Park Holding supports and upholds the elimination of discriminatory practices with respect to employment and promotes and embraces diversity in the Hotel’s business. Comprehensive employment checks and the use of reputable recruitment agencies help mitigate the risks associated with modern slavery in the hotel industry, ensuring employment is freely chosen.  

All Hotel employees are required to comply with the Four Seasons Code of Business Conduct and Ethics. This compliance is aided by a third-party reporting services provider and clearly defined reporting procedures.

Our Ongoing Commitment

Gregory Park Holding supports the elimination of all forms of forced, bonded or compulsory labour and is committed to the continued enhancement of business practices designed to combat such exploitation.

This statement has been reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors of Gregory Park Holding Limited on 6 August 2019. 

A signed copy of this statement can be found here.