We are proud to offer a range of opportunities to engage with and assist the local community – from reading to kids to painting a school – because memorable travel is meaningful travel.

Volunteering Experiences

  • Young kids in white school uniforms sort through backpacks
    Backpack Buddies and Libros Para Todos

    Many children in Guanacasted can't afford school materials or books. When you bring a backpack filled with your favourite school supplies, or make a donation for books, we'll make sure it benefits a local student in need; or you can donate in person if school is in session.

  • Group of adults wearing hats, garden gloves help plant trees and tropical plants
    School Outreach Programs

    You can help out one of the 21 schools we work with, in whichever way you prefer. Opportunities include: building and landscaping maintenance; donation of teaching, sports, audiovisual and kitchen supplies; cooking and sharing meals; and, playing sports with students.

  • Two young girls play on lawn in front of small home, family read on porch, man rides on horse at side
    Family Care

    Support a local family with food, clothing, school supplies or toys for their kids by visiting their house, shopping together, sharing time with them and even inviting them to the Resort to share a meal or enjoy the Resort facilities. You can also support disabled individuals by purchasing medical supplies and food.

  • Close-up of two young smiling children, one with hands on the other's shoulders
    Custom Volunteer Opportunities

    If you find an opportunity to assist, let us know! We’ll be pleased to help arrange it. Please note that the Resort can organize five custom volunteer programs a day for five families or individuals, and advanced booking through reservations is required.

We can arrange virtually anything. (506) 2696-0000 Contact