Athens is an intriguing mix of ancient and contemporary with an endearing youthful exuberance all its own – and we want you to experience it like a local. Who better to draw up a guide than our Hotel’s in-the-know team? Tailor your itinerary with their picks; then explore, retreat and repeat.


– Chef Luca Piscazzi, Pelagos Head Chef

“It’s pretty simple: I love to eat. And to me, the best food is food that makes me happy. Kostas Souvalki is a street food kiosk run by a third generation Kostas, and food doesn’t get much better than this. It’s simple and unassuming; no fuss, just flavour. Tender pork souvlaki, creamy Greek yoghurt, crisp onions and juicy tomatoes in a warm pita, seasoned with salt, parsley and paprika. It’s the kind of food that embodies life’s simple pleasures; it reminds me of summer days with friends in the Mediterranean.”


– Manon Kapfer, Avra Bar Manager

“For me, a good cocktail is a sensory experience that showcases the stripped-back beauty of its ingredients. That’s why I love Baba Au Rum. They source their herbs and fruits from the best local farmers and even experiment with organic farming. I also appreciate their sense of fun. The owners of The Bar in Front of the Bar have a quirky sense of humour, evident in their playful signs such as ‘Something to Talk to Your Therapist About.’ I’m a proud member of their Rum and Cocktail Society.”

Lavender flowers in a grey bowl.

How Our Spa Director Winds Down

– Stella Arvanitakou, Director of Spa

“My top-notch remedy after an exhausting day is a lavender and olive oil face and body scrub. My grandmother used to prepare this homemade Greek ritual for me every summer spent in Mitilini, on the island of Lesbos. The scrub reminds me of mountains filled with olive trees, farms with lavender flowers and the summer sea breeze flooding my universe. The fragrant buds are available throughout the Hotel gardens, so be sure to collect some before you leave. Let them dry in the sun, crush them with organic olive oil, then scrub gently all over the face and body for the utmost pampered and glowing skin. The scrub is also available at our Spa.”

Where our Recreation Manager Gets Inspired by Nature

– Antrea Ventouri, Recreation Manager

“I love the wild natural beauty of Vouliagmeni. We are so fortunate to be surrounded by such incredible nature so close to the city. The crystal-clear water, the gold Blue Flag beaches, the long sweeping beach promenades bordered by palms and pines: they all offer an invigorating escape into nature. As an open-water athlete, I love to swim the Vouliagmeni coastline and paddleboard with my son, Achilleas. Nothing beats the peacefulness of gliding over calm waters as the sun sparkles like diamonds across the surface.”